

godaddy 域名备案(GoDaddy域名备案流程解析及注意事项)


In order to launch your website in China, you will need to register your domain and Apply for icp (Internet Content Provider) filing. This process is called domain Registration in China, or domain name ICP filing. If you have purchased your domain name from godaddy, then this article will guide you through the process of GoDaddy domain name filing requirement.

Step 1: Verify Eligibility

Before getting started with the domain registration process in China, it is important to ensure that your website content is in compliance with Chinese government regulations. Certain types of content may require additional approvals, licenses or permits before being published online. In general, any website that is deemed offensive, subversive or harmful to Chinese cultural values or national security will be blocked or removed from Chinese online platforms.

Step 2: Register with a Chinese ICP License

Go to the Chinese MIIT (Ministry of Industry and Information Technology) website to apply for an ICP license for your website. Once you have obtained this license, you will be able to legally host content on your website in China.

Note: The ICP filing process can take up to 20 business days, so plan accordingly.

Step 3: Verify GoDaddy's Compliance

Before applying for domain registration in China, you will need to verify GoDaddy’s compliance with MIIT regulations. GoDaddy can provide evidence of compliance in the form of a certificate, which can be presented to the MIIT as part of the domain registration process.

Step 4: Register your Domain

Once you have verified GoDaddy's compliance with MIIT, you can begin the domain registration process. Go to GoDaddy's ICP Filing Management Center and follow the instructions to complete your application.

Step 5: Wait for Approval

After submitting your domain registration application, it will be reviewed by the MIIT. If everything is in compliance, your application will be approved and you will be able to launch your website in China.


Domain registration in China can be a complex process, but if you follow these steps carefully, you will be able to obtain the necessary ICP filing and register your domain with GoDaddy to legally host your website in China. Remember to always comply with Chinese government regulations and be prepared for a longer processing time than you may be used to in other countries.




